CPC4 Module Repair Service
We repair CPC4 Module for Freightliner and Western Star with fast turnaround time
Repair Cost : Contact Us
Turnaround time is one or two business days
Free return shipping in Canada
3 years warranty
Part Numbers
A0034461002 / 001 | A0034461002 / 002|A0034461002 / 003 |A0034461002 / 004 |A0034461002 / 005 | A0034461102 / 002 | A0034461102 / 003 |A0034461102 / 004 | A0034461102 / 005 | A0034461202 / 001 | A0034461302 / 001 | A0064463402 / 001 | A 003 446 11 02 / 005 |A00 344 61002 | A 0034461002 | A0034461002001 | A0034461002002 | A0034461002003 | A0034461002004 | A0034461002005 | A0034461002/001 | A0034461002/002 | A0034461002/004 | A 003 446 10 02 / 001 | A 003 446 10 02 / 002 | A 003 446 10 02 / 003 | A 003 446 10 02 / 004 | A 003 446 11 02 / 002 | A 003 446 11 02 / 003 | A 003 446 11 02 / 004 | | A 003 446 12 02 / 001 | A 003 446 13 02 / 001 | A 006 446 34 02 / 001 | RA0034461302 | EA0034461302 | A0034461302 | 0034461302 |A2C83553200 |A0034461002/005 | DDE A0034461002 | A 003 446 10 02 / 005 | 0034461002/003 | RA0034461002
most common CPC4 module’s issues
- ABS Light staying on
- Gas Pedal Problems
- No start / Intermittent start
- Dead throttle / Intermittent throttle
- CPC reads as a different module (reads as CPC2, TCM, etc.)
- Check Engine Light is on
- DEF Light staying on
- Instrument Cluster loses communication
Email : info@unitechelectronics.ca
Phone : +1(888)405 7730
Step 1. Call or Email us About Your Vehicle Problem
Toll-Free. 1 888-405-7730
Step2. Remove Defective Part from your Car
For this step, we strongly recommend getting a mechanic help, please visit a body shop.
Step 3. Please use correct and safe material while packaging your part (VERY IMPORTANT)
First, cover your part with bubble wrap.
Second, support around of part by soft packaging paper or soft fabrics
Step 4. Cover your defective part with bubble wrap (VERY IMPORTANT)
Step 5. Print and Fill Out Unitech Inc. Order Form And place it in the same box with your defective unit
Step 6. Send defective unit in using your choice of carrier
Step 7. We will call you back after receiving the package